Better Than the Stanley Cup

Last Wednesday evening I was at home watching television. I saw a group of grown men skating on a Florida ice rink in July. They had lightning bolts on their jerseys and they were hoisting a large metal cup in front of a cheering crowd.

Each man would kiss the cup before passing it on to another man. “I wouldn’t want to be the last guy to put my lips on that cup,” I thought to myself. I was struck by the irony of the months of hard work those men invested into winning a trophy that they have to share, and only for one year, unless they win it back again next year.

Then I realized why that cup is so important to them. Engraved into that trophy are the names of people who have won it before, and the men of Florida knew in that moment that their names will appear next as a permanent record of their achievement.

My name will never be etched into the Stanley Cup, but I am thankful it is written in the Book of Life. It is not there on the basis of my achievement, but because of what Jesus achieved for me on the Cross. The Book of Life (which you can read about in Revelation 20:11-15) is a permanent record of everyone who has trusted Jesus for salvation and eternal life in Heaven.

Is your name written in the Book?

Pastor Kent Babbey
Blenheim Baptist Church