Calling All Treasure Hunters

If you were in the vicinity of 24 Talbot Street East on May 19 and 20, you may have noticed a steady stream of “treasure hunters” arriving in the neighbourhood. (You may even have been one of them.)

Blenheim Baptist Church was hosting its annual Church Yard & Bake Sale. Thank you to everyone who organized it, donated items for it, and shopped at it. Because of you, our Connections team will help various ministries and good causes throughout the year.

It is fun to watch people at yard sales, as they discover treasures that will be a blessing to their home. It reminds me of a parable that Jesus told in Matthew 13:44. He said, “The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.”

The greatest treasure you will find at a church like Blenheim Baptist is a personal relationship with Jesus, who alone can forgive your sin and give you eternal life in Heaven. That is worth investing everything you have, and yet, all it will cost you is your pride. Jesus saves those who humble themselves and come to Him like little children.

Salvation is a free gift, obtained only by God’s grace through faith in Jesus Christ. What a great deal! What an amazing treasure! It’s a better bargain than you will find at any yard sale.

Pastor Kent Babbey
Blenheim Baptist Church