Every Day Counts

Are you ready for some football? The CFL season is underway, and the NFL season is only three weeks away. Will this be the year my Dallas Cowboys return to their glory days? Time will tell.

I am a football fan, but I am not a fan of preseason games. I understand that players need to practice, and coaches need to try out players, but there is great risk of injury in football. It doesn’t make sense to me, putting players in jeopardy for games that don’t count.

For followers of Jesus, life on earth has been described as a dress rehearsal for eternity. Some Christians view this life the way I view preseason football. Why does God leave us here in this “preseason” where we can get hurt, instead of taking us right away to Heaven?

First, He has given us work to do, telling others about Jesus, so they also can know Him and join Heaven’s team. Second, there are things He wants to teach us in preparation for eternity. Third, my Sunday School teacher said years ago: this life is the only opportunity we have to show God that we love Him so much, we will serve Him when it’s difficult.

The Bible says, “Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom” (Psalm 90:12). It also says, “All the days ordained for me were written in Your book before one of them came to be” (Psalm 139:16b).

Every day counts, so let’s live every day for the glory of God!

Pastor Kent Babbey
Blenheim Baptist Church