“It matters what you see.” – a simple statement that so refreshed me recently: It’s obvious, seeing is our window to the world, and insight is influenced by sight.
Remember the first time you laid eyes on your husband or wife-to-be? You saw him – all ‘decked out’ in his plaid shirt, blue jeans, work boots…and that John Deere cap! Or you saw her, standing there in the very same outfit…she was a farm-girl! ??
It matters what you see, and what you saw sparked a pursuit. Investigation revealed a caring personality, a fun-loving yet responsible mentality, or one who reciprocated genuine interest.
Friendship grew, and conversation flowed easily (“Hopefully!”). You enjoyed being together. Your heart got involved; you ended up ‘smitten’. The relationship became exclusive; trust led to commitment, then marriage.
What began with a glance evolved into seeing him or her in “all their glory.” Seeing the glory refers to seeing qualities or character traits that define the person. And yes, “beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.” I hope you continue to be smitten by what you see.
Have you glanced at Jesus? Because He lived on earth over 2000 years ago, God made sure we can see Him – through the historical record of the Scriptures.
After seeing Jesus, the Apostle John presents evidence of Jesus’ divine nature; He was God. Jesus, being born, took on human likeness and was in appearance a man. He was visibly seen.
John testifies that Jesus, “made His dwelling among us. We have SEEN His glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.” (John 1:14)
John recorded some of Jesus’ miracles: turning water into wine, healing a nobleman’s son and a paralytic, feeding the multitude (5000 plus), walking on water, restoring sight to a man born blind, and the raising of Lazarus from the dead. He is a people-person, extending His grace and truth to all.
Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection from the dead also serves as a “miraculous sign” of His Divine authority (John 2:18-22). In the miracles we SEE what He did – revealing the glory of His person.
John writes, “Jesus did many other miraculous signs…But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in His name.” (20:30, 31)
“It matters what you see” – a fresh insight about Bible reading. Avoid the trap of it becoming a mere religious formality. The Father’s intent is that we SEE His Son. Pray, “Show me your glory.” He IS the “One and Only” God! Jesus is the Messiah, the Saviour God promised.
Being impressed, we must intentionally receive Jesus to become a child of God. (John 1:12) He is the WAY to eternal life and Heaven. Jesus is worth more than a glance.
“Are you with me?”
Pastor Bill Terris