May I Drive?

“May I drive?”

My wife and I are hearing this question a lot lately because our sixteen-year-old son, Luke, recently got his G1 license. (That is a learner’s permit, for those of you in my generation.)

The best part is that my teenaged son now wants to spend more time with me and is eager to help me with errands. The worst part is giving up the driver’s seat. I enjoy driving, and would much rather be a driver than a passenger.

The good news is that when Luke takes the wheel, he drives well. (I guess all those years of playing Farming Simulator on the computer have paid off.) He sees the road ahead and is aware of everything that is happening around the car.

“May I drive?”

Someone else is asking me this question every day. It is my Father in Heaven. He took the wheel of my life when I accepted His Son, Jesus, as my Saviour, but all too often I try to keep steering from the passenger’s seat.

My Heavenly Father is a good driver. He sees the road ahead and is aware of everything that is happening in my life. He is both confident and competent, and I am learning to trust Him. He knows the way, because He is the way.

“Make me to know Your ways, O Lord; teach me Your paths. Lead me in Your truth and teach me, for you are the God of my salvation; for You I wait all the day long.” (Psalm 25:4-5)

Who is behind the wheel of your life?

Pastor Kent Babbey
Blenheim Baptist Church