“The God I Do NOT Understand!”

I take advantage of many things I do NOT understand. Total understanding isn’t necessary in order to enjoy a thing that works.

When I push a button, I don’t understand how I hear voices and watch the news LIVE – from around the world! I can face-time with Mom on Sunday evenings – 1000 miles (1609.344 kms.) away!

I don’t understand how eyes see, ears hear, skin feels, or the tongue tastes, yet I benefit from God’s creation of me. Our body parts function for our benefit and happiness.

And speaking of God, I do NOT really understand Him either. I know that, “what may be known about God is plain…God made it plain…God’s invisible qualities – His eternal power and divine nature – have been seen, being understood from what has been made [creation].” (Romans 1:19,20)

What I do NOT understand is:

  • the depth of His LOVE, offering eternal life through a relationship with His Son.
  • the expressions of His MERCY, withholding punishment I deserve for my sin.
  • the extension of His GRACE, providing for what I don’t deserve – Heaven.
  • the extent of His PATIENCE, allowing me time to grow to love and enjoy Him.

This is not “God as I understand Him”, my mind cannot create such a God. And besides, to self-imagine or create a god is idolatry. The “Living God” has revealed Himself.

Yet I can’t fathom Him; I feel like a child trying to understand a grown-up. I do know He exists, and that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him. (Hebrews 11:6)

He wants us to know Him. He has blessed the world and mankind since creation. “God did this so that men would seek Him and perhaps reach out for Him, though He is not far from each one of us…now He commands all people everywhere to repent [turn from sin/turn to God].

For He has set a day when He will judge the world with justice by the man He has appointed. He has given proof of this to all men by raising Him [Jesus] from the dead. (Acts 17)

Along with creation, Bible documents speak of who God is and what He says. I take Him at His word; my understanding is growing. His integrity is evident. I believe Jesus.

That He would so love me by providing Jesus, the Saviour, astounds me. In this, He is “the God I do NOT understand!”

Yet I trust Him – putting my faith in His faithfulness. Total understanding isn’t necessary to enjoy a thing that works, nor a person of proven INTEGRITY.

“Are you with me?”
Pastor Bill Terris