Two Things the World Needs

I am writing today to the Christians of our community–to those of us who are followers of Jesus Christ.

It is easy for us to look at the state of the world and become discouraged by what we see. But are we doing our part to make things better? Only Jesus can ultimately fix this broken world, but He has commissioned us to point people to the One who can forgive their sin and give them eternal life.

In His famous Sermon on the Mount, Jesus likened His followers to two things the world needs. He said, “You are the salt of the earth … You are the light of the world” (Matthew 5:13-14).

There were no electric fridges or freezers in Jesus’ day, so salt’s biggest purpose was to be a preservative. Our job as Christians is to slow down the decay in this world through holy living and moral teaching.

Salt adds flavour and makes us thirsty. When Christians live the way Jesus taught us to live, others crave the peace and joy that we have, and want to know the Saviour that we know.

Light reveals what is really there, and illuminates the path of safety through the dangers. Our job as Christians is to lead people to Jesus, who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

Even the tiniest light can overpower the darkness, so Christians, take courage! You might feel small and insignificant, like one grain of salt or one lonely pixel, but when we work together in obedience to Christ, it is enough to change the world.

Pastor Kent Babbey
Blenheim Baptist Church