Worship Time
We welcome and encourage newcomers in our midst. It is hoped that by coming you will see the Lord more clearly, love him more dearly and follow him more nearly. Our Sunday worship starts at 10:30 am and usually concludes by 11:30 am. The Lord’s Supper or communion is observed on the first Sunday of the month.
We love children
Children are an important part of the family of God! If you have children, you can count on them being welcomed. The children leave at about 11:00 to attend Sunday school.
Where we meet
Our church is located at 24 Talbot Street East. Which is across from Shopper’s Drugmart. Our Building is wheelchair friendly.
During worship
The worship leader will lead the congregation through the songs and hymns and indicate when you can stand, etc. If you want, or need, to remain seated that’s just fine. Somewhere through the service there will be a collection of money to support the church’s ministries and missionaries. As our guest you are not expected to make a contribution.
Want to know more?
Don’t hesitate to talk to the pastor or any of the members. If you would like a visit just let us know. You could either make arrangements with the pastor on Sunday, or feel free to contact the church office by phone or email. Check the contact page for details.