What Is So Good About Friday?

If you work a regular weekday job, you probably love Fridays. Here are three reasons why we tend to favour that day:

First, our work is finished for the week, and we can rest from our labours. Second, we look forward to the freedom that the weekend brings. We may choose to work around the house or yard, but we do it because we want to—not to earn a paycheck. Third, we can relax knowing that our needs are met. We welcome the break, but we are thankful to have a job that pays the bills.

Fridays are nice, but there is one Friday each year that outshines the rest. The Christian Church calls it “Good Friday.” It is the day we commemorate the death of Jesus Christ. We don’t normally think of death as a good thing, so what is so good about this Friday?

1. Through His perfect life and sacrificial death, Jesus completed the work of our salvation, so that we can rest. From the Cross He declared, “It is finished” (John 19:30).

2. Because of Christ’s finished work, believers look forward to eternal freedom. We still serve the Lord, but we do it out of gratitude—not to earn our way to Heaven.

3. On Good Friday, Jesus paid off our sin debt with His life. Then He rose again on Easter Sunday, and He’s alive today to meet the spiritual needs of all who repent of their sin and accept Him as their Lord and Saviour.

If you give your life to Jesus, then Good Friday will be a Great Friday for you.

Pastor Kent Babbey
Blenheim Baptist Church