When It Won’t Go Away (!)

It’s one thing to have TROUBLE; it’s another thing when it won’t go away. Our struggle then includes TIMING – “This has gone on far too long!”

Overwhelming feelings of frustration, weariness, loss and grief settle into our soul. Fear and anxiety can rise when, for an extended time, we sense being controlled (or out of control).

In the BIG PICTURE we ask, “HOW LONG will war last? What about famine, and pestilence? What of diabolical evils – terrorism, genocide, injustice, and oppression?” Our broken world IS troubled, and IN trouble. This is disheartening. Evil is not going away, it’s getting worse – as God said it would. (2 Timothy 3:1-4).

In the SMALL PICTURE, closer to home, we ask, “Won’t this virus ever go away?” This pales in comparison to an ongoing toxic relationship, managing a disability, economic uncertainty, or news of a cancer cell. Again, how disheartening.

O, “Here we sit.” – dreams have faded, aspirations are frustrated, trust or confidence is broken. Yet, deep within, we long for “life and life to the full.”

While we sit for a time, a new reality brings us to our feet: “I am NOT alone. I need help – Now what?” This may be our prayer to God, even if we’re feeling anger – blaming HIM.

Champion boxer Mike Tyson once said, “You have to train your mind to be stronger than your feelings or else you will lose yourself.” What I know (mind) helps stabilize my feelings (emotions) as I live with what won’t go away.

I find security by affirming:

  1. The “Living God” loves ME.

He exists. “The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth.” He is in control. And this God “so loved the world that He gave His Son.” That means I am loved, always.

  1. I can depend on God.

My understanding is limited as to why God allows trouble to go on. As a Christ-follower I trust His character. I depend on Him; I have FAITH in God. He proves Himself trustworthy every single day.

  1. I am NOT alone.

Psalm 4 says, “In your anger do not sin…trust in the Lord.” Taking matters into our own hands, without seeking God’s wisdom, means we act sinfully and become part of the problem.

In our broken world we have TWO OPTIONS: walk with God or walk without God. I have discovered walking with Him is the better way. I am NOT alone, and I trust His direction.

Circumstances may not change, but I change. I now feel more secure “when it won’t go away.” God WILL end all evil in His time. As I wait, I affirm with Isaiah the prophet, “You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you.”

“Are you with me?”
Pastor Bill Terris