A Healthy Church Takes Vitamin E

I am grateful to our friends at The Blenheim News-Tribune for providing this space each week for pastors to share our “view from the pulpit.” Let me tell you about my view from the pulpit on Sundays. I don’t just see a congregation of people; I see a family. I see my family. I see … Read more

Where Are the Nine?

One day, Jesus entered a village and was met by ten people who were suffering from the horrible illness of leprosy. Standing at a distance, they called to Him for help because they had heard of His power to heal. Jesus could have cured them in that moment, but instead, He told them to go … Read more

Looking Forward to School

When I was young, this was the most depressing time of the year for me. The final days of summer freedom, leading up to Labour Day, which they said was a holiday, but it didn’t feel like a holiday. For me it was a sad day because the next day was (dare I say it?) … Read more

Christians, Not Clones

Imagine how different the world would be if everyone was just like me: There would be no doctors, because everyone in the world would get squeamish at the sight of blood. There would be no houses, because nobody would know how to build one. Sports would be boring, because everybody would cheer for the Dallas … Read more

Don’t Listen to Me!

Each Sunday I stand at a pulpit and talk for a long time. (Ask anyone in our church family; they will confirm this.) Why do people sit quietly and listen to what I have to say? Am I more interesting than the other people in the room? Certainly not! I am one of the least … Read more

Two Things the World Needs

I am writing today to the Christians of our community–to those of us who are followers of Jesus Christ. It is easy for us to look at the state of the world and become discouraged by what we see. But are we doing our part to make things better? Only Jesus can ultimately fix this … Read more

A Lesson from Sally

She wasn’t supposed to be mine. When we adopted Sally in 2012 from an animal shelter, we hoped she would be a great pal for our children. She was all that and more, but early on it became apparent to everyone that Sally was my dog. She picked me. When we would come home as … Read more

I broke the law!

That is quite a statement to make in the local newspaper, isn’t it? At this point you are likely wondering, “What law did you break, Kent?” The truth is that I have broken all of them. There is a verse in the Bible that says, “For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at … Read more

Golden Arches and Pearly Gates

San Francisco may have the Golden Gate, but Blenheim has the Golden Arches! My drive to the church takes me by the new McDonald’s, and I have enjoyed watching the progress of construction over the past few months. It’s a good thing I’m a preacher, because I have no building skills whatsoever. I am amazed … Read more

Honour Their Sacrifice

Jesus said, “Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.” (John 15:13) During this season of Remembrance, it is a blessing to walk around town and see the banners that have been raised in memory and honour of the veterans who invested their lives in defending our … Read more